"Heal your Womb and the rest will follow. If you want to know more about loving all of who you are as a beautiful, amazing, powerful, magical woman, join this Blood Mysteries Journey as a way to truly deeply heal and love all of you. The blood mysteries journey course healed what 10 years of therapy had not been able to do. I feel so good in my skin, my body, my head, and my heart is so loving. This temple has saved me. Thank you for creating such a space for us. True acceptance and honestly loving my body was inconceivable to me 2 months ago, but here I am loving all of me. Deep, powerful, supportive loving work. Don’t waste your life not loving and honoring your beautiful amazing selves!!!"
"I'm very dedicated to my moon-time. This is the time when I channel and I'm deeply connected to the mysteries of my feminine nature and with my womb and moon-blood. But I would like to say that I absolutely love this Blood Mystery course!!! This is not just a course, but a real treasure trove and really the key to unlocking the mysteries! It is so valuable and I am so glad to have the opportunity to participate! The wisdom and knowledge that comes through you is so thorough and deep. Beautiful and special meditations create a feeling of coming home and caresses the soul. And tears of remembrance are flowing. I am so grateful to you for everything. Deep bow, dear Sister! "