Remember this power inside you

Encoded to create and sustain
Flowing each moon like a river of love
Will you honor me now once again?

Join me on a 7 week online journey into remembering the true essence of menstruation, and her rites. Reclaim the wisdom, magic and power of our blood mysteries through a magical adventure to recover a treasure that has been long lost and forgotten.

We hold between our hips the sacred medicine for our times.

What to Expect

7 modules, released once a week, with videos, audio journeys, pdfs and fillable womb journals to help you reconnect with the magic of your womb, moon-blood and menstrual rites. Plus private FaceBook group.

Within, you will find every woman's birthright: a portal into your essence, power and truth as One with Divine Mother...a precious precious gift every woman should have the chance and support to unwrap.

This is also the required foundational program to enter the Womb Priestess Journey towards certification and ordination.

 Here is a peak at some of content you will find in each module 


  • Explore the origins of this lineage and why it is powerful medicine for our times
  • How to collect and store moon-blood for ritual 
  • How to transfigure wine into blood (for anyone not menstruating)

Module 1:


  • Remember through direct experience the essence and truth of menstruation, along with her gifts
  • Dive into the ancient Her-story of sacred menstruation & menstrual rites
  • Illuminate the patriarchal wounds we carry and how our Blood Mysteries hold the medicine to catalize, heal and transform them.

Module 2:


  • Discover the biological power of menstruation
  • Remember the magic and spiritual gifts held in womb blood
  • Discover what our blood mysteries are and why we practice them

Module 3:


  • Understand our menstrual cycle and the moon cycle
  • Explore how our moon-time fits into the larger menstrual cycle and the magic available to us through her
  • Explore how to harmoniuosly work with both your mentrual cycle and the lunar cycle, no matter how they align with each other

Remember this power inside you

Encoded to create and sustain
Flowing each moon like a river of love
Will you honor me now once again?

Join me on a 7 week online journey into remembering the true essence of menstruation, and her rites. Reclaim the wisdom, magic and power of our blood mysteries through a magical adventure to recover a treasure that has been long lost and forgotten.

We hold between our hips the sacred medicine for our times.

What to Expect

7 modules, released once a week, with videos, audio journeys, pdfs and fillable womb journals to help you reconnect with the magic of your womb, moon-blood and menstrual rites. Plus private FaceBook group.

Within, you will find every woman's birthright: a portal into your essence, power and truth as One with Divine Mother...a precious precious gift every woman should have the chance and support to unwrap.

This is also the required foundational program to enter the Womb Priestess Journey towards certification and ordination.

 Here is a peak at some of content you will find in each module 


  • Explore the origins of this lineage and why it is powerful medicine for our times
  • How to collect and store moon-blood for ritual 
  • How to transfigure wine into blood (for anyone not menstruating)

Module 1:


  • Remember through direct experience the essence and truth of menstruation, along with her gifts
  • Dive into the ancient Her-story of sacred menstruation & menstrual rites
  • Illuminate the patriarchal wounds we carry and how our Blood Mysteries hold the medicine to catalize, heal and transform them

Module 2:

  • Discover the biological power of menstruation
  • Remember the magic and spiritual gifts held in womb blood
  • Discover what our blood mysteries are and why we practice them

Module 3:


  • Understand our menstrual cycle and the moon cycle
  • Explore how our moon-time fits into the larger menstrual cycle and the magic available to us through her
  • Explore how to harmoniuosly work with both your mentrual cycle and the lunar cycle, no matter how they align with each other

Module 4:


  • Explore concrete blood mystery practices and mentrual rites that can easily be incorporated into your life
  • How to practice and navigate menstrual rites in modern day times 
  • The energetic principals behind each ritual so you can create your own

Wise Woman Module


  • Remember the true role and power of wise woman
  • Reclaim wise woman's essential role within the Blood Mysteries
  • Retrieve your unique key to the Blood Mysteires within you, as Wise Woman 

Closing Module


  • How to continue, strengthen and deepen your practice after completing this course
  • Completion Journey and self-assesment
  • Explore different temple programs that can support you if you are called into further exploration and training

Fountain of Life

There is a fountain of unimaginable love, wisdom and power literally flowing inside every woman. A fountain calling to be remembered, celebrated and brought forth as healing balm, waters of life, creative life force, nourishment, blessing, wisdom and more.

Module 4:


  • Explore concrete blood mystery practices and mentrual rites that can easily be incorporated into your life
  • How to practice and navigate menstrual rites in modern day times 
  • The energetic principals behind each ritual so you can create your own

Wise Woman Module


  • Remember the true role and power of wise woman
  • Reclaim wise woman's essential role within the Blood Mysteries
  • Retrieve your unique key to the Blood Mysteires within you, as Wise Woman 

Closing Module


  • How to continue, strengthen and deepen your practice after completing this course
  • Completion Journey and self-assesment
  • Explore different temple programs that can support you if you are called into further exploration and training

Fountain of Life

There is a fountain of unimaginable love, wisdom and power literally flowing inside every woman. A fountain calling to be remembered, celebrated and brought forth as healing balm, waters of life, creative life force, nourishment, blessing, wisdom and more.

Benefits of Our Blood Mysteries


  •  Remember in the very marrow of yoru being that your body and blood are sacred 
  • Look forward to your period every month as the most self-nourishing and magical part of your cycle
  • Practice powerful menstrual rites with ease and joy
  • Wise Woman: heal the experiences of your inner maiden and mother with your moon-time and reclaim your powerul role in life


  •  Experience altered states of consciousness and menstrual journeys  
  • Begin to remember and embody your essence and gifts
  • Increase your spiritual awareness, energy perception, intuition and capacity to communicate with Spirit
  • Reclaim your connection to your inner wisdom, power and the Mystery
  • Develop a more intimate embodied connection to Divine Mother, Gaia and the spiritual realms 
  • Remember past lives, lineages and the medicine & skills you carry from them


  • Transform deep and collective beliefs that have kept you small, invisible, disconnected, overwhelmed, over-doing & overgiving, fearful, trapped in self-doubt and feeling broken, "not enough" or "too much"
  • Embrace your womanhood whole-heartedly and heal the wounds of pratriarchy
  • Begin healing personal and maternal lineage wounds


  •  Experience a greater sense of peace, safety, wellbeing, and groundedness
  • Experience more joy, energy and harmony with the natural cycles
  • Enjoy increased creativity, presence and flow

Relationship with Self

  • Increase your sense of self-worth and self-love
  • Enjoy a mmore loving and intimae relationship with your body and  your Self
  • Reclaim your sovereignty and power

Relationship with the Earth

  • Feel a deep embodied connection to the Earth and her cycles
  • Begin to commune, give back and receive from Her as never before
  • Feel held, grounded, nourished, supported and safe in your woman's body as you walk the Earth

You Receive

7 modules delivered once a week with videos, pdf's, fillable womb journals, guided audio journeys and private FaceBook group.

PDf's and Womb Journals


$655  NOW $350

Audio Meditations

You Receive

7 modules delivered once a week with videos, pdf's, fillable womb journals, guided audio journeys and private FaceBook group.


PDf's and Womb Journals

Audio Meditations


$655  NOW $350

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?
This is for all spiritual women and people with wombs, regardless of bleeding status, that are ready to embrace the unimaginable magic held within the red river of life that flows through us all (in all our stages).

What if I am in -or approaching- menopause?
Our Blood Mysteries is our birthright and natural gateway into the Mystery regardless of our age. Wise woman has an essential role within the Blood Mysteries and holds powerful medicine through her unique access to the wise-blood within her. There is a specific module to support and awaken the magic of our much needed wise-women, as well as guidance on how all the other modules can be used to catalyze and nourish you.

What if I am already practicing menstrual rites ?
That's wonderful AND you will still receive more than you can imagine though this journey. What is being transmitted here is a comprehensive foundation that allows you to tap into our blood mysteries at a higher vibrational octave, previously unavailable to us. It goes far beyond honoring your moon-blood, and opens you to deep wholing and a direct and powerful experience of the medicine you hold. If you are unsure, please reach out and we can explore where you are in your practice and if this is the right path for you.

What will I need?
Internet access, an open heart and about 2-3 hours a week if you wish to complete in 7 weeks. That being said, the content is yours to go through at the rythm that best serves you.

Most of the content requires 20-30 minutes per piece, so the 2-3 hours per module can be broken up however you wish to fit your schedule.

How will this change my life?
This is in the mystery sister... but the "across the board" response I receive from those who complete the journey  is that their lives are forever changed and that they wish they'd known about this sooner.

You can read some of their experiences here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?
This is for all spiritual women and people with wombs, regardless of bleeding status, that are ready to embrace the unimaginable magic held within the red river of life that flows through us all (in all our stages).

What if I am in -or approaching- menopause?
Our Blood Mysteries is our birthright and natural gateway into the Mystery regardless of our age. Wise woman has an essential role within the Blood Mysteries and holds powerful medicine through her unique access to the wise-blood within her. There is a specific module to support and awaken the magic of our much needed wise-women, as well as guidance on how all the other modules can be used to catalyze and nourish you.

What will I need?
Internet access, an open heart and about 2-3 hours a week if you wish to complete in 7 weeks. That being said, the content is yours to go through at the rythm that best serves you.

Most of the content requires 20-30 minutes per piece, so the 2-3 hours per module can be broken up however you wish to fit your schedule.

How will this change my life?
This is in the mystery sister... but the "across the board" response I receive from those who complete the journey  is that their lives are forever changed and that they wish they'd known about this sooner.

You can read some of their experiences here.

What if I am already practicing menstrual rites ?
That's wonderful AND you will still receive more than you can imagine though this journey. What is being transmitted here is a comprehensive foundation that allows you to tap into our blood mysteries at a higher vibrational octave, previously unavailable to us. It goes far beyond honoring your moon-blood, and opens you to deep wholing and a direct and powerful experience of the medicine you hold. If you are unsure, please reach out and we can explore where you are in your practice and if this is the right path for you.

I call to you Sacred Women of Light

Your carry paradise between your hips
and the key to the medicine you are here to BE in the world
 Your womb blood (in all stages of life) has the power to heal, remember, take you on spiritual journeys, unify, create, nourish, empower and bless. It is through the awakened womb and her blood that we rebirth ourselves and bring forth new states of consiousness onto the planet.

As a woman, you already hold all the wisdom and medicine you will ever need. It is time to reclaim your direct access to your holy grail, your essence and the Mystery.

Our blood mysteries show us the way. With practices that are both powerful and sweet, magical and simple, they will deeply transform every aspect of your life (and our beloved Earth) if you allow them to.

Listen to what a few of our sisters have to say about this journey

"Catalina your course is so potent...and the knowing that the medicine is within me, has changed so many things for me this year and for this lifetime. Thank you for guiding us back home again and again, so grateful for you and the Blood Mysteries"

"The dive into the Blood Mysteries has been life changing for me, richer  than anything I could have possibly imagined when stepping in. The best way I can describe the felt experience is like leaning into the Mother at the threshold and then upon truly entering, collapsing into her warm embrace. I feel so connected to the Mother, in ways I never knew were possible. I feel held at every moment. It is so profound, in ways I can't quite put into words. I'm so grateful to have encountered you and your work."


"Heal your Womb and the rest will follow. If you want to know more about loving all of who you are as a beautiful, amazing, powerful, magical woman, join this Blood Mysteries Journey as a way to truly deeply heal and love all of you. The blood mysteries journey course healed what 10 years of therapy had not been able to do. I feel so good in my skin, my body, my head,  and my heart is so loving. This temple has saved me. Thank you for creating such a space for us. True acceptance and honestly loving my body was inconceivable to me 2 months ago, but here I am loving all of me. Deep, powerful, supportive loving work. Don’t waste your life not loving and honoring your beautiful amazing selves!!!"


"I'm very dedicated to my moon-time. This is the time when I channel and I'm deeply connected to the mysteries of my feminine nature and with my womb and moon-blood. But I would like to say that I absolutely love this Blood Mystery course!!! This is not just a course, but a real treasure trove and really the key to unlocking the mysteries! It is so valuable and I am so glad to have the opportunity to participate! The wisdom and knowledge that comes through you is so thorough and deep. Beautiful and special meditations create a feeling of coming home and caresses the soul. And tears of remembrance are flowing. I am so grateful to you for everything. Deep bow, dear Sister! "


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For inspiration & education on our womb mysteries and living in tune with the natural cycles of our body, the eartn and the cosmos.
Catalina Rivera Dois
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